30年30人 | 复星集团 张春玲




「城人之美」3030人 | 张春玲


复星集团 | 全球合伙人
复星蜂巢 | 高级副总裁
复星蜂巢复创设计院 | 董事长


Ms. Zhang Chunling, joined FOSUN Group in2014, holds currently the Global Partner of FOSUN Group, Senior VP of FOSUNHIVE, Partner and CDO (Chief Design Officer) of YUYUAN INC., Chairman of A+ Architecture and Planning Design.

Havingdevoted herself at the front line for more than 30 years, Ms. Zhang Chunlinghas participated in planning and has taken the lead in the design andmanagement projects that have basically covered all the formats in theindustry. Taking advantage of FOSUN HIVE’s platform, dedicating to enhanceproduct quality from the perspective of design, she has accumulated a wealth ofexperience in creating projects with both competitiveness and beauty.




The economy determinesthe speed of urban development, culture determines the depth of urbandevelopment, and people's livelihood determines the temperature of urbandevelopment. The significance of urban regeneration is not only the improvementof the physical environment of the city, but also the social and economicrejuvenation.

Urban regenerationincludes urban renewal and urban operation. It is not only the demolition andreconstruction of single space, but also to meet the needs of urban development.By injecting new functions using science and technology methods to integrate locality,culture, technology and function,historical buildingsare given new vitality.


上海豫园片区Yu Garden

豫园是上海地标的代表,大豫园板块,从豫园 - 福佑路 – BFC - 外滩,各类建筑群体现出不同年代的烙印,反映不同年代的建筑所折射出不同年代的经济发展和审美, 多种历史记忆在这里得到融合与交织。自2018年,豫园对老街、文昌街、绿波廊、景容楼、老饭店、童涵春堂等区域进行了空间升级与品牌焕新。在植根传统文化的前提下,与当下潮流融合,营造出高颜值、可激发人们自我表达和情感共鸣的“新场景”,通过将历史建筑融入新颖的内涵,传统文化与城市精神得到了更年轻的诠释的同时也赋予传统空间特定的文化价值和意义,更好地满足人民对美好生活的新需要。


Yu Garden is therepresentative of Shanghai landmarks, from Yu Garden - Fuyou Road - BFC - TheBund, various architectural complexes reflect the architecture, economicdevelopment and aesthetics of different eras. A variety of historical memoriesare fused and intertwined here. Since 2018, Yu Garden has upgraded the spaceand brand of Lao Street, Wenchang Street, Lvbo Lang、JingrongLou、Lao Fandian 、Tong Han Chun Tang and other core areas.

Under the premise of takingroot in traditional culture, it integrates with the current trend to create a"new scene" with high value and can stimulate people'sself-expression and emotional resonance. At the same time, giving the traditionalspace a specific cultural value and meaning to meet the people's new needs.






Dahua 1935 is located closeto Ming Palace and the ancient city wall site of Xi'an. With the newinterpretation method of "culture + art + business" and theinternational vision, the project aims to create a new way of life for thecitizens of Xi'an and help the transformation of Dahua 1935 from a textileindustrial factory to a cross-border literary and artistic commercial district.During the transformation, making the best use of their resources is thegreatest respect for it and also the best protection of the context.





021-5270 7268

