30年30人 | gmp建筑师事务所 吴蔚




「城人之美」3030人 | 吴蔚


gmp | 建筑师事务所合伙人兼执行总裁

吴蔚曾在重庆建筑工程学院学习建筑学,于 1992年至 1994年在兰州及上海从事建筑设计工作。1995年开始在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学 (ETH) 建筑系继续学习,并于 2000年在马里奥·坎培教授指导下完成毕业设计,获得建筑学硕士学位 (Diplom)。在瑞士苏黎世 Skyline Architecture 建筑师事务所工作后,吴蔚于 2001年起加入 gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所任北京及上海办公室的首席代表,2021年成为合伙人兼执行总裁。同时担任《建筑细部》、《建筑技艺》、《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志编委,中国建筑学会主动式建筑学术委员会副理事长,中国建筑学会创新产业园区规划学术委员会理事,中国建筑学会2016、2018建筑设计奖评委,全国注册建筑师管理委员会委员。

After completing his studies in Chongqing, China, WuWei worked as an architect in Lanzhou and Shanghai from 1992 to 1994. In 1995he started further architectural studies at ETH Zurich, where he studied underProf. Mario Campi and finished with a diploma in 2000. After working for theZurich practice Skyline Architecture, Wu joined gmp · Architects von Gerkan,Marg and Partners in 2001, where he initially started as Head Representative ofthe offices in Beijing and Shanghai. In 2021 he became Executive Partner of gmp.At the same time as editing committee of the architectural magazines – DETAIL(China version), AT Architecture Technique, and UED magazine, vice President ofacademic committee of ASC (Architecture Society of China) Active House, academiccommittee of ASC Innovative Industrial Park Planning, jury of ASC Prize 2016and 2018, committee of National Registered Architects Management.





Since its modernization and reopening in 2016, the80-meter-high hotel tower dating from 1990 has been one of the populardestinations in the Sanlitun business quarter of Beijing. The new facadedesigned by gmp gives the building—which can be seen from afar‒a light andsculptural effect. Its angled vertical elements and the alternating closed andglazed panels create a play of light and shadow. Horizontal ledges are insertedevery two stories, thus creating a calm facade geometry with balancedproportions. The three-dimensional zig-zag-like building envelope reflects thetriangular footprint of the 26-story tower. Curtain-wall elements in light grayglass-fiber concrete alternate with gray-tinted glass panels, and the angledarrangement of these panels and elements means that, depending on the viewingangle, the sides of the building appear to change between open and closed. Thematerials and structure of the high-rise facade continue in the new extendedentrance area of the hotel. Likewise, the venue modernized by gmp reflects theclear geometry of the facade design. Supported by an arched structure, adouble-skin roof with an external layer of glazing and internal louvers admitsdaylight into the “Glasshouse”, creating an almost spiritual atmosphere. Theproject has won 2019 CTBUH Renovation Award.





021-5270 7268

