Kevin Singh于2020年9月起担任曼彻斯特建筑学院院长,曾担任伯明翰建筑学院院长近10年,在高等教育领域拥有超过 25 年的职业生涯。Kevin Singh于2013年被授予学术领导和学习与教学类别的建筑学教授。2015年,获得了著名的国家教学奖学金。Kevin Singh是英国皇家建筑师学会 (RIBA) 的成员,担任 RIBA教育委员会成员。
Kevin joined as Head of Manchester School ofArchitecture in September 2020 having previously led the Birmingham School ofArchitecture and Design since 2011. He is a Chartered Architect with a careerin higher education that spans over 25 years. Kevin Singh’s Professorship in2013 was conferred under the categories of Learning and Teaching and AcademicLeadership and was also awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2015. KevinSingh is a very active member of the Royal Institute of British Architects(RIBA) having been a long-standing member of the Education Committee.
曼彻斯特建筑学院是曼彻斯特城市大学和曼彻斯特大学之间的创新合作,目前在QS 2022建筑排名中排名世界第7位。学院联合了两所拥有100多年经验的学校,100多名建筑领域的专家和来自80多个国家的1000多名学生,在曼彻斯特市中心进行创造性,挑战性和学术严谨的工作和研究。
Manchester School of Architecture is aninnovative collaboration between Manchester Metropolitan University and The Universityof Manchester currently placed 7th in the world in the QS 2022 Architecturerankings. We unite two schools with more than 100 years’ experience, over 100experts in their architectural fields and more than 1000 students from over 80countries producing creative, challenging and academically rigorous work andresearch in the heart of Manchester.业主单位:{{item.OwnerUnit}} 设计单位:{{item.DesignUnit}} {{item.ForumLocation}}
Kevin W Singh
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Kevin W Singh