预测2024 | 年度关键词Top 10 Buzzwords of 2023!
2024-01-08 来源:DJSER地建师


《咬文嚼字》(Yǎo Wén Jiáo Zì), released the top ten buzzwords of 2023, highlighting significant linguistic trends and popular phrases of the year:

1. New Productive Forces; 2. Two-way Efforts; 3. Large-scale AI Models; 4. Village Super League; 5. Special Forces Style Tourism; 6. Standing Out from the Crowd; 7. Mate; 8. Dopamine XX; 9. Emotional Value; 10. Questioned, Understood, and Turned Into.

图片摘自网络 / Image From Online Sources


DJSER, invited industry partners to summarize the exclusive top buzzwords of 2023 for the real estate and design community: Thunderstorm, Confusion, Difficulty, Layoffs, Salary Reduction, Transformation, Survival, Urban regeneration, ChatGPT, Persistence.


In 2023, everyone looked forward to starting the beautiful year, full of hustle, bustle, and effort. However, from Fantasia becoming the first real estate company to default on its debt, followed by the deafening sound of "thunder," it has been overwhelming. Throughout the year, many people held a pessimistic attitude and viewed 2024 with an even more pessimistic mindset. Yet, some believe that the "golden age of products" has arrived: without quick turnover, real estate no longer becomes a financial product attribute, and product designers can truly devote themselves to perfecting their work. After the storm, what remains are architects, designers, and product professionals who are talented, and who truly love design.



“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”

– Samuel Johnson


瑞安房地产发展有限公司 - 规划发展及设计总监/ 集团可持续发展总监

CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖  联席主席

K.B. Albert Chan

Shui On Land -  Director of Development Planning & Design

Co-chairs of CREDAWARD


2023 has finally come to an end, for better or for worse. The annual summary that DJSER steadfastly maintained for five years has, for the first time, been completed cautiously in a state of uncertainty.


魔幻之年2022 | 地建师仅线下相遇378嘉宾,线上相约71W+伙伴 (点击查看详情)

2022 Annual Summary: Magical Year 2022 | DJSER Met 378 Guests On-site & Gathered 710,000+ Partners Online(Click to View Details)



2021 Annual Summary: Welcome 2022, Farewell 2021!(Click to View Details)



2020 Annual Summary: Reviewing DJSER's Impact on 580,000 People in 2020, Please Rate?(Click to View Details)


1分钟读懂地建师 | 2019感恩一群人,回顾这一年(点击查看详情)

2019 Annual Summary: Get to Know DJSER in 1 Minute | Grateful for Who We Met in 2019(Click to View Details)


Perhaps, the annual summary is a constant reminder that we must "persist" in our original intention — to empower innovative designs pursuing excellence. On the path of growth year after year, industry partners who have steadfastly accompanied DJSER share common traits: pursuit of excellence, innovative design, and a commitment to quality. Using the vocabulary of 2023, "Two Way Effort" is the most steadfast companionship.(The list of recommended high-quality design firms by CREDAWARD can be found at the end of the document.)

KEY EVENTS of 2023


01/ 年度关键字

Word of the Year



" SU, Revival," in Chinese, implies a gradual recovery and awakening. In the context of urban renewal and regeneration, "more" iterates with new "life."

02/ 年度创新

Annual Innovation

地建师名师堂 | 学习课件上线啦!

DJSER VOICE | Learning courseware is now online!


Click On the Image to View Study Materials


「地建师名师堂 · 第三季」分享经典案例364个「9TH CREDAWARD」获奖项目。


[DJSER VOICE] will regularly invite industry experts, scholars, architects/designers to share policies, viewpoints, and classic project cases.

[DJSER VOICE] · Season Three shares 364 classic cases from the "9TH CREDAWARD" award-winning projects.

[DJSER VOICE] · Season Four will officially start in 2024. Feel free to contact the DJSER team at info@zamchina.com.

03/ 未来趋势

Future Trends

1— UR城市再生-公众号

UR Urban Regeneration - Official Account


In 2021, urban renewal was included in the 14th Five-Year Plan, becoming a national strategy and opening a new era of urban renewal. Urban regeneration is the inevitable result of deepening urbanization.


[UR Urban Regeneration] focuses on and shares global urban regeneration/renewal projects, designs, operations, concepts, policies, etc.


Submission hotline: ur.china@zamchina.com

2 — 甦上奖 SU AWARD



Organization: UR Urban Regeneration, DJSER




「甦上奖 SU AWARD」旨在表彰城市开发者、建筑师/设计师共同成就最高品质的作品。

"Su," in Chinese, means a gradual recovery and awakening. In the background of urban renewal and regeneration, "more" iterates with new "life."

"Shang," in Chinese, originally refers to a high place or the top. It metaphorically denotes a higher level or quality and conveys the sense of ascending from a lower place to a higher one.

"Su," the first two letters of the English word "Supreme," sharing the same pronunciation as "Su" in Chinese. "Supreme" translates into the highest level.

The [SU AWARD] aims to recognize the collective achievements of urban developers and architects/designers in creating the highest quality works.


Judging Panel


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「第一届甦上奖 SU AWARD」邀请到评委专家:黄向明、黄馨谚、蒋毅、李晓梅、李迅涛、庞嵚、饶沛然、宋国鸿、吴蔚、魏文梅、薛升伟、虞金龙、赵国华、周才贵(按姓名首字母排序)。

The first [SU AWARD] invites expert judges: Xiangming Huang, Xinyan Huang, Yi Jiang, Xiaomei Li, Xuntao Li, Yun Pang, Peiran Rao, Guohong Song, Wei Wu, Wenmei Wei, Shengwei Xue, Jinlong Yu, Guohua Zhao, Caigui Zhou (sorted alphabetically by name)


Selection Results


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100个海内外「城市再生」经典案例 | 更迭伴新生,共铸崭新时代下的设计精神。

100 classic cases of "urban regeneration" worldwide | Iterating with new life, forging a new era of design spirit.


Work Exhibition


TOP 20「城市再生」经典案例,首展于上海浦东新国际展览中心@DDF地建师设计节。

TOP 20 classic cases of "urban regeneration," first exhibited at the Shanghai New International International Expo Centre @ DDF DJSER Design Festival.

04/ 行业白皮书

Industry White Paper

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继《2022转型与机遇》调研后,《2023地建师万字行业报告》于2023年2月出炉,分为6篇:业主分析、全球设计行业局势分析、建筑设计行业分析、景观设计行业分析、室内设计行业分析以及照明设计行业分析。近万字报告获得12.8万+ 阅读量的关注。

Following the [Transformation and Opportunity] survey, the "2023 DJSER Industry Report" was released in February 2023, divided into six parts: owner analysis, global design industry situation analysis, architectural design industry analysis, landscape design industry analysis, interior design industry analysis, and lighting design industry analysis. The report, with nearly ten thousand words, attracted attention with over 128,000 reads.

05/ 媒体宣传

Media Promotion


As a platform with media attributes, DJSER is committed to multidimensional display and promotion of excellent projects/architects/designers through innovative publicity methods. It synchronously promotes through various channels domestic and abroad: in addition to traditional group emails, official websites, and official accounts, DJSER has joined platforms such as Bilibili, WeChat Channels, TikTok, Xiaohongshu, Sohu, Yidian, and Toutiao. It is also present on international platforms such as X/Twitter and Instagram, accumulating a total of 310,000+ followers.

《专题月》Monthly Thematic Series

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After industry research, DJSER launched the " Monthly Thematic Series" focusing on hot topics of industry, including: Urban Regeneration ①②③④⑤, Office Space ①②③, Cultural ①②, Green and Low-Carbon, Rural Revitalization, Tourism and Vacation, Industrial, Medical & Healthcare, Residential, Commercial Space, Retail Space, Entertainment and Catering, totaling 19 industry topics.

2024年度《专题月》正在积极策划筹备中,欢迎行业伙伴与地建师小狮子们接洽咨询021-5270 7268。

The 2024 "Special Topic Month" is actively being planned and prepared. Industry partners are welcome to contact the DJSER team for inquiries at 021-5270 7268.

《好书推荐》Book Recommendation

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"A good book is a precious gift that the author gives to humanity." — Edison


DJSER invites industry partners to share their recommended books, with no restrictions on the scope and content of book recommendations; company-published books can also be recommended.

2023年获得推荐的12本图书分别为:《寓变于一:冯·格康传》、《创造城市的美丽-绿城产品年鉴2020-2021》、《复兴引擎:首钢三高炉更新的可持续性实践》、《我眼中的英国花园-上下册》、《Design in Detail》、《Valode & Pistre-Complete Works : 1980 to Presen》、《深圳市建筑设计研究总院成立40周年作品集》、《空间的诗学》、《梧桐树下》、《匠作》、《Tracé Bleu :蓝色足迹》、《住哪?4》。

The 12 recommended books in 2023 are < Vielfalt in der Einheit: Meinhard von Gerkan>, < Creating the Beauty of the City: Green City Product Yearbook 2020-2021>, < Revival Engine: Sustainability Practices in the Renewal of Shougang Blast Furnace 3>, < ENGLISH GARDENS IN MY EYES >, < Design in Detail >, < Valode & Pistre-Complete Works : 1980 to Present >, < WORKS OF 40TH ANNIVERSARY SZAD> ,< The Poetics of Space >, < UNDER PLATANUS ORIENTALLS >, < Craftsmanship >, ,  < Where to STAY? 4 >.

《Archi-Fun建筑以外》Archi-Fun – Beyond Architecture

# 欢迎投稿



DJSER initiated Archi-Fun by Mr. Johnny Jiang's proposal, this project invites architects to share interesting things beyond architecture—such as architect-run restaurants, cafes, guesthouses, and more.The first episode of "Eat, Drink, Play, Have Fun" received positive feedback from the industry.

Archi-Fun建筑以外 | 吃喝玩乐第一期 (点击查看详情)

2023年度第一季参与建筑师:Benjamin Wood、Mavis、申江海、吴耀隆、廖志强等。地建师发现由建筑师参与「建筑以外」的酒吧、咖啡馆、日料餐厅、火锅店、生活艺术馆等并非只有单一功能,而是具有复合功能:有一定的展览、休闲,生活化场景更多的城市一景。

Architects participating in the 2023 Season 1: Benjamin Wood, Mavis, Jianghai Shen, Yaolong Wu, Zhiqiang Liao, and more. DJSER discovered that architects' involvement in "beyond architecture" establishments include bars, cafes, Japanese restaurants, hot pot shops, and life art museums, doesn't serve a singular function but possesses compound features. These places offer a mix of exhibitions, leisure, and create diverse urban landscape.

06/ 线下活动

Offline Activities

1/ DDF地建师设计节

DJSER Design Festival

点击查看详情 / Click to View Details


New Journey



Regeneration and Prosperity


作为首站,以行业作品联合策展、图书联展、「这一代」线下见面会、「甦上奖 SU AWARD」宣发;为期三天的活动,共吸引现场观众千人。

As the kickoff for the 2023 "New Journey" nationwide tour, DJSER Design Festival (DDF) showcased industry works, curated exhibitions, "NEXT" offline meetings, and the promotion of the "SU AWARD." The three-day event attracted thousands of on-site attendees.





DJSER pays tribute to the "NEXT" segment, proposed and advocated by Mr. Wei Wu. In 2022, the online live broadcast invited a total of 23 "NEXT" guests, garnering 56,000+ views and receiving high praise in the industry.


In 2023, DJSER is planning the "NEXT" offline meeting, inviting guests to share their personal growth experiences, life insights, and projects they have been involved in. Interesting content and innovative formats received enthusiastic applause from the audience.

参与嘉宾:柴晖、陈浩、陈家祺、邓柏基、顾天一、黄逸钧、胡君同、贾正阳、厉鸿凯、刘家齐、刘爱佳、李少锋、李小兰、李博(Gerber Architekten 盖博建筑)、李博(LEAP 利普设计)、路洋、任智劼、唐立、王政栋、王培清、辛磊、徐清流、徐淼、徐航、夏艺伦、薛问睿、杨炅、虞金龙、余碧波、张静雯、周霞、周游、钟诚、钟鸣、朱伟。(按姓名首字母排序)

Participating Guests (in alphabetical order): Hui Chai, Hao Chen, Jiaqi Chen, Cedric Tang, Tianyi Gu, Yijun Huang, Juntong Hu, Zhengyang Jia, Hongkai Li, Jiaqi Liu, Aijia Liu, Shaofeng Li, Xiaolan Li, Bo Li (Gerber Architekten), Bo Li (LEAP), Yang Lu, Zhijie Ren, Li Tang, Zhengdong Wang, Peiqing Wang, Lei Xin, Qingliu Xu, Miao Xu, Hang Xu, Yilun Xia, Wenrui Xue, Jiong Yang, Jinlong Yu, Bibo Yu, Jingwen Zhang, Xia Zhou, You Zhou, Cheng Zhong, Ming Zhong, Wei Zhu. (Sorted alphabetically by first name)


Joint Exhibition



DJSER invites domestic and international design firms, as well as product material companies, to participate in the "Works Collaboration Exhibition." The curation focuses on sustainability, incorporating environmentally friendly materials for display.

感谢以下公司的参与支持:法国VP建筑设计事务所、bpi、LEAP 利普设计、BA设计、SEA 东南设计、HUA 华泰众城、antao安道设计、Teiones Landscape Design 北斗星景观、A&P 普莱思国际照明设计、HÖRMANN霍曼、ZENCOOL筑匠。

We express our gratitude to the following companies for their participation and support: Valode & Pistre architects, bpi, LEAP, BA Design, SEA Southeast Design, HUA, Antao Design, Teiones Landscape Design, A&P Lighting Design, HÖRMANN, ZENCOOL.


Book Exhibition


《中国地产设计集萃 I》、《9TH CREDAWARD 获奖作品集》、《创造城市的美丽·绿城产品年鉴2020-2021》、《寓变于一:冯·格康传》、《复兴引擎:首钢三高炉更新的可持续性实践》

"Best Works of CREDAWARD I," "9TH CREDAWARD Award-Winning Album," "Creating the Beauty of the City: Green City Product Yearbook 2020-2021," " Vielfalt in der Einheit: Meinhard von Gerkan," "Revival Engine: Sustainability Practices in the Renewal of Shougang Blast Furnace 3."

2/ CREDesign共享荟



Organizers: DJSER, UR Urban Regeneration


Since its initiation in 2016 by DJSER, CREDesign has hosted over 50 high-quality salons for the industry, with 2,460 guests of director level and above. The event covers dynamic cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Ningbo, Jiuhuashan, Xi'an, Wuhan, and more.


As a well-regarded brand, CREDesign has received high praise in the real estate and design circles for its depth of content and novel, enjoyable format, offering both learning and networking opportunities.


CREDesign @ Hangzhou


时间:2023.3.24 / 地点:BANJURITA 伴奏者

Time: March 24, 2023 /  Location: BANJURITA


CREDesign @ Shanghai


时间:2023.4.21 / 地点:JERDE美国捷得建筑师事务所 上海办公室

Time: April 21, 2023 /  Location: JERDE


CREDesign @ THE CATANIA, Chengdu


时间:2023.5.21 / 地点:成都·嘉佰道

Time: May 21, 2023 /  Location: CHENGDU THE CATANIA


CREDesign @ Shenzhen


时间:2023.9.8 / 地点:万科云城设计公社

Time: September 8, 2023 /  Location: Design Commune


CREDesign @ Shanghai T Center


时间:2023.10.13   地点:上海信泰中心

Time:October 13, 2023 /  Location: Shanghai T Center

3/ LPS



时间:2023.12.9 / 地点:上海展览中心

Organizer: LPS

Time: December 9, 2023  /  Location: Shanghai Exhibition Center


DJSER participates as an official partner, supporting the LPS Design event and invited to deliver the opening speech.

4/ 9TH CREDAWARD设计大奖 金银奖逐鹿演讲 & 颁奖典礼

9TH CREDAWARD Gold and Silver Award Competition Speech & Award Ceremony




圆桌赞助伙伴:KPF、AI Planetworks、上海设计、LEAP利普设计


Time: July 7-8, 2023

Location: Shanghai Tower

Guests: 600+

Round Table Sponsors: KPF, AI Planetworks, AISA, LEAP

ZAM Sponsors: PPG, Bucalu, YINTING


Click to View Details

9TH CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖 金银奖逐鹿现场

9TH CREDAWARD Shortlisted Presentation

9TH CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖 颁奖盛典

9TH CREDAWARD Award Ceremony

07/ 线上直播

Online Live Broadcast

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时间:2023.9-10  /  形式:线上直播

Time: September-October 2023 / Format: Online live broadcast


DJSER VOICE Season 3 "New Journey," spanning nearly two months, invited 112 industry experts to participate in online live broadcasts, sharing 11 diverse hot topics. DJSER's official video platform, with 28,000+ online views, will be rebroadcast on Bilibili.

08/ 图书出版

Book Publishing

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值得收藏 | 一本行业联合出品的图书

Worthy of Collection | A jointly produced industry book

《9TH CREDAWARD获奖作品集》,每年印刷5,000,送达至业主、设计伙伴,将最优秀的作品反馈于业内交流。

"9TH CREDAWARD Award-Winning Album," printed 5,000 copies annually, distributed to owners and design partners, showcases the industry's best works.

09/ 公益责任

Public Welfare Responsibility

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DJSER's Incremental educational support was initiated in 2016 by all the judge members of the CREDAWARD and persisting for eight years, has sponsored a total of 330 individuals, with a cumulative funding of RMB 453,200. We have continuously practiced building dreams, constructing the future of youthful dreams.

10/ 渠道推广

Channel Promotion

地建师联动海内外多渠道同步宣发:除传统群邮、官网、公众号外,地建师入驻B站、视频号、抖音、小红书、搜狐号、一点号、今日头条, 海内外平台X/Twitter,IG(ins),额外获得关注阅读累计:31万+

DJSER collaborates with various channels domestically and abroad for simultaneous promotion: In addition to traditional group emails, official website, and WeChat official account, DJSER is present on platforms such as Bilibili, WeChat Channel, TikTok, Xiaohongshu, Sohu, Yidian, and Toutiao. It also engages international platforms like X/Twitter and Instagram, accumulating a total of 310,000+ followers.




发布文章数 209篇  / 阅读量 66w+

Number of Articles Published: 209  /  Readership Statistics: 660,000+.




发布文章数 886篇  / 阅读量 10w+

Number of Articles Published: 886  /  Readership Statistics: 100,000+.


UR Urban Regeneration


发布文章数 72篇  / 阅读量 1.5w+

Number of Articles Published: 72  /  Readership Statistics: 15,000+.

地建师媒体平台 / Media platforms of DJSER

地建师视频平台 / Video platforms of DJSER

11/ 10TH CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖



The application for the 10th CREDAWARD hosted by DJSER officially closed on December 30, 2023. This edition received submissions from 312 organizations, totaling 746 entries. Participating companies and works come from: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam (Ordered by the Alphabetical Order of Country Name in English).


Compared to the previous edition, the 10th edition witnessed a growth rate of 24% in the number of overseas companies and a 20% growth rate in the number of overseas projects. Architectural design projects constitute 62% of the entries in this edition, with landscape design and interior design projects showing comparable strength, and lighting design projects experiencing a slight upward trend.


Among these, residential projects (including demonstration areas), residential landscape, residential interior, and residential lighting, collectively categorized as residential projects, account for 46.21% of the total reported projects. For the first time, non-residential projects such as urban regeneration, comprehensive commercial, and public social projects surpassed residential projects.


Future scheme projects (under construction) were opened for submission for the first time in the 9th edition, receiving positive responses from the industry. However, due to a highly stringent shortlisting process, the participation in this edition's future (scheme) projects decreased by 56% compared to the previous edition.

12/ 地建师会员开启

DJSER Membership Initiation


DJSER invites more like-minded partners to accompany us in 2024 and the longer-term future.


We sincerely invite you to join us and become a "DJSER Member."


[R-Level Member]


If you only want to receive basic information about DJSER activities, please scan to register as our "R-Level Member."


Membership Fee: 0 RMB/year.


[E-Level Member]


If you wish to be invited to participate in DJSER offline events (additional fees may apply for certain events), please scan to register as our "E-Level Member."


Membership Fee: 99 RMB/year, including a book worth 299 RMB—"10th CREDAWARD Award-Winning Works."


For more information on personal or corporate memberships, please feel free to contact DJSER.

86-21-5270 7268





2024 has arrived.

Feet on the ground, eyes to the sky.

Persistently striving in poverty, with the unwavering aspiration for the azure clouds.


Thank you for being with us over the past decade. Let's gather for the grand celebration!




品质活动:CREDAWARD地建师设计大奖 / CREDesign共享荟 / DDF地建师设计节

品宣推广:项目宣发 / 人物专访 / 活动策划 / 图书出版 / 竞赛组织

DJSER Design Community

Empowering innovative design in pursuit of excellence

DJSER WeChat Platform has 20+W followers. After 10 years of accumulation of industry reputation, DJSER gathers the developers, various platform owners and top global design companies to spread cutting-edge ideas, promote design values for the development of a better global future!

High-quality Events: CREDAWARD, DJSER Congress, CREDesign Salon, DJSER Design Festival, etc.

Brand Promotion Services: Project Promotion, Interview, Event Planning, Book Publishing, Competition Organization, etc.

021-5270 7268



预测2024 | 年度关键词Top 10 Buzzwords of 2023!



近期热点 - 评委阵容 | 第二届甦上奖 - 十年HUA廊 | 自语 · 对话 · 共生 - 郑仕樑室内设计已申报「 第11届 CREDAWARD地建师设计大...



